Glenn Beck, et. al. vs. Anita Dunn

I don’t know how many Democrats/Progressives/Liberals listen to Conservative talk radio as much as I do, but if you have, you’ve probably heard about this big dust up over a quote by Anita Dunn, talking about how she turns to Mao Zedong’s philosophies for guidance. For those unaware, Mao Zedong was the first Communist leader …

Interesting New Washington Post Poll

According to a new Washington Post poll, people have roughly the same opinion of Democrats and Republicans as they did in 2008 and 2006 – the years Democrats made big gains in Congress.  However, I’m still of the opinion that the Dems will lose some seats in the House and the Senate, though still maintaining …

New Obama Administration Policy on Medical Marijuana

Interesting news for the day, the Obama administration has issued a new policy on medical marijuana.  I’m certainly not any kind of drug advocate, but I do have a number of opinions on drug use.  While it may not be for me, individuals are their own people, it’s not my place to really give a …

John Ensign (R-NV) Is A Hypocritical Douche

I just read this Think Progress article on the hypocritical John Ensign and man is it funny.  How can one guy who cheats on his wife tell another guy who cheats on his wife that he needs to resign from public office? Easy, when the former is a Republican and the latter is a Democrat. …

Kathleen Sebelius Is Hot

James Asher Random, but would you fuck Kathleen Sebelius? JC hahaha no, most certainly not. James Asher what? seriously? JC she’s old, dude. James Asher yeah but kind of hot for 60 year old JC no, dude. NO James Asher i’m not the only one: yes, i did just google for ‘is kathleen sebelius …