I always wondered what happened to that Dell guy who did those commercials years ago. What was it? A year ago that he got busted for Schmoking the ganj? At least he’s now ‘happy,’ according to the interview anyways. And finally, he looks creepy as fuck in that picture that accompanies the interview.
Tag Archives: The Intarweb
Another Reason to Vote for Barack Obama
Barack Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president. With all the shit going on lately, e.g. AT&T fucking with Bit Torrent, perhaps the next President will actually get something done about it.
How To Get A T-Shirt From Busted Tees
Find a sweet coupon code from Retail Me Not for Busted Tees Pick out three shirts Pay Wait for shirts to arrive Notice that 2/3 shirts are great, but the third has two holes in it Get pissed off, email customer service at Busted Tees Have email ignored for a few days Write again, copying …
Dreamhost Needs To Stop Being An Asshole
So, Dreamhost is apparently not for personal storage. Fuck that. I’ll use 100% of the 500GB of hard drive space if I fucking want to. If you guys are going to be assholes and require that my webspace be used primarily for hosting a website, then I’ll just encrypt everything and make it publicly accessible. …