Shared Post: Goal of Quantico Incident Was To Abuse Bradley Manning and Intimidate David House

Portrait of Bradley Manning by Stephen Pitt I just wanted to say a quick thank-you to everyone today for your support when David House and I were being detained at Quantico. I don’t think any of this had anything to do with me, or frankly the 42,000 petition signatures. The only thing I did was …

Elena Kagan is the Wrong Choice For Supreme Court Justice

When I read that Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was going to retire, I thought, “I hope President Obama nominates someone decently liberal to succeed him.” There’s been a short list of legitimate, potential nominees floating around ever since Sonia Sotomayor replaced David Souter. You’d think that if you were on the list back …

An Interesting Statistic

So I’m watching the documentary Bigger Stronger Faster* which is a movie about steroids.  Pretty good so far.  Anyways, the movie starts talking about steroids in baseball – remember Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds? I do.  After they hit all those home runs they were accused of taking steroids – which was pretty …

Things I Hate About Barack Obama

I have pondered writing this post for quite a while.  Probably since the beginning of the health care debate.  Honestly, though, I wouldn’t be surprised if I wrote it before that. Let me be clear, I like(d?) our current President.  It’s a love/hate thing, really.  Some days he does good things, some days bad things. …

Chris Matthews, Thou Art A Dick

I meant to post this yesterday because I found it to be too good not to: Chris Matthews has Alan Grayson on HardBall.  During the interview, Alan Grayson talks about using reconciliation to pass Health Care – weeks before others were talking about it.   Chris Matthews proceeds to be a huge holier-than-thou dick to Alan …

Thoughts On The Current Status Of Healthcare

As you know, I post a lot of political things here on this blog.  It’s what I’m interested in and I like writing down my thoughts and opinions.  Lately, one of the biggest things in US politics has been the healthcare debate.  There’s a lot to digest. Here are my thoughts. The House of Representatives …

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) Has An Interesting Idea

So Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., has a very interesting idea – a bill that will withhold Federal health benefits from members of Congress until Health Legislation is passed.  What a novel idea. I wholly support it. Via The Washington Independent PS. I had to look up how to spell wholly, for some reason it just …