Burma, Liberia, and the United States

What do these three countries have in common? Give up? They’re the only three countries in the world who don’t use the metric system.  I knew that there weren’t that many countries that didn’t use the metric system, but I didn’t realize that it was only three.  Kind of makes us look a little egocentric, …

An Interesting Statistic

So I’m watching the documentary Bigger Stronger Faster* which is a movie about steroids.  Pretty good so far.  Anyways, the movie starts talking about steroids in baseball – remember Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds? I do.  After they hit all those home runs they were accused of taking steroids – which was pretty …

Alloys. Also, I’m a nerd.

Maybe it’s because I’m kind of weird and nerdy, but today I was thinking about alloys.  I couldn’t quite remember what metals were used to make brass.  I was initially thinking it was copper and tin, but I was pretty sure that was bronze (speaking of which is bronze even used anymore? Like, for anything?).  …

Want To Donate Blood? – Don’t Be A Gay Dude

Am I the only one who didn’t know that if you’re gay male – or ever had a homosexual experience with another guy, even once – that you’re banned from donating blood for life? I just read this article by Senator John Kerry, yeah the guy who lost in 2004 to Georgie, arguing for a …

Chile Earthquake Infographic

I just think this infograpahic of the Chile Earthquake is really cool.  The earthquake was rated an 8.8 on the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS).  The MMS is the successor to the more commonly known Richter Scale. It’s also worth comparing to the recent Haiti Earthquake, which was rated a 7 on the MMS.  People who …

Heineken Buys Femsa, Brewer of Tecate

Because I drink a lot of beer, I thought this was newsworthy:  Heineken is buying Femsa, the brewery that makes Tecate, Dos Equis, and Sol for 7.6 billion.  I thought these two sentences from the article were kind of funny: The deal will give Heineken, which brews Amstel and other beers[.] What’s interesting to me …