Your mom has been feeling better as of late, which is a great relief for me. Today we went and saw a movie at the theater. The movie was This Is 40. It’s a little hard to believe that in ten years, I’ll be 40. Lately your mom has been updating me with how big …
Category Archives: Private
Day 22
Merry Christmas! I figured I should let you know that you made out pretty well in the gift department this year. Here’s a picture of all your goodies.
Day 21
Your first Christmas Eve. Your uncle Rory and aunt Jenn are coming over. Nothing really big this year, just hang out and have some food. Your aunt Jenn wanted my spare original Nintendo for Christmas (I have two). So, I think we’ll set up my Nintendo in the living room and play that all day. …
Day 20
Well well well. We won! Hurray! I’d like to think that somehow your presence made a difference at the game. Not sure how accurate that is, but I’m going with it. Not to jinx anything, but I think your mom might really be feeling better. Mind you, better is somewhat relative as she now just …
Day 19
Hey little Wildcat, guess what you get to do tonight? You get to go to your first K-State game. We’re going to the Sprint Center downtown to watch the K-State mens basketball team play Florida. Hopefully it will be a good game. I know it’s a little presumptuous, but I do hope you’re a K-State …
Day 18
Mommy is feeling a little bit better today. She was able to get out of the house and do a little Christmas shopping. Hopefully this lasts. *crosses fingers* Also, just a heads up, I got you a Christmas present last night. I’m not really one to break tradition, but it’s a sock monkey thing. It’s …
Day 17
Snow day! Mommy didn’t have to go to work today because we had our first snow. It was a pretty decent one, too. Just in time for winter vacations. She’s in the process of calling all her siblings to let them know that you’re coming. That’s pretty exciting. She’s just finishing up with the last …
Day 16
On January 3rd, your mommy and I get to take a look at you for the first time. So very exciting. We will hopefully get to see heartbeats and we will be able to tell for sure how many tenants she has in that belly of hers.
Day 15
This morning your mom went into the doctor for one last checkup to make sure you’re coming. Good news, you are! Interestingly, the levels that she’s getting are pretty high. That could mean there are more than one of you in there… We shall see. It’s an curious thought, twins. Your mom and I both …
Day 14
It’s days like today that I am glad I have you to think about. Today work was… let’s just say, not good. After I finally get everything straightened out and head home, I can’t help but think about you. Your mom and I are so excited for you to get here.