U.S. Limits Tarmac Waits for Passengers to 3 Hours

The NY Times has an article about the Transportation Department limiting tarmac waits for passengers to three Hours.  We’ve been doing a lot of flying this month – a trip to Las Vegas for Barrett & Lindsay’s wedding and a trip to Reno to see my grandparents for Christmas.  Our flight to Las Vegas was …

Thoughts On The Current Status Of Healthcare

As you know, I post a lot of political things here on this blog.  It’s what I’m interested in and I like writing down my thoughts and opinions.  Lately, one of the biggest things in US politics has been the healthcare debate.  There’s a lot to digest. Here are my thoughts. The House of Representatives …

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) Has An Interesting Idea

So Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., has a very interesting idea – a bill that will withhold Federal health benefits from members of Congress until Health Legislation is passed.  What a novel idea. I wholly support it. Via The Washington Independent PS. I had to look up how to spell wholly, for some reason it just …

How Many Soldiers Are We Sending To Afghanistan?

The answer? No one knows for sure.  But that won’t stop people from speculating! The Atlantic: [T]he increase in troop strength will be about 25,000 The Atlantic (Again): [E]xpect the commander in chief to approve north of 20,000 additional troops Times Online: [A] surge of at least 25,000 new US troops The Guardian: [E]xpected to …

A Bunch of Republicans Are Bitching About A Dinner They Weren’t Invited To

So, President Obama is throwing a big party for the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and a bunch of Republicans aren’t invited – boo, hoo.  Is anyone surprised here?  Why would he invite a ton of Republicans? You don’t invite people to your party that you don’t like.  This is not complicated.  Yet, according to …