How Many Soldiers Are We Sending To Afghanistan?

The answer? No one knows for sure.  But that won’t stop people from speculating! The Atlantic: [T]he increase in troop strength will be about 25,000 The Atlantic (Again): [E]xpect the commander in chief to approve north of 20,000 additional troops Times Online: [A] surge of at least 25,000 new US troops The Guardian: [E]xpected to …

A Bunch of Republicans Are Bitching About A Dinner They Weren’t Invited To

So, President Obama is throwing a big party for the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and a bunch of Republicans aren’t invited – boo, hoo.  Is anyone surprised here?  Why would he invite a ton of Republicans? You don’t invite people to your party that you don’t like.  This is not complicated.  Yet, according to …

These People Are Pussies

I have many opinions on trying the 5 alleged 9/11 conspirators in New York City.  I’m of the opinion that we should absolutely try them in a Federal Court, not military commissions.  I’m also of the opinion that all Terrorism related cases should be tried in Federal Courts and not military commissions. I assume it …

2009 Oxford New American Dictionary Word Of The Year

I always like to look at the “new words” list that Oxford Dictionary puts out each year.  It’s usually somewhat nerdy and well, that’s me. Word of the Year – unfriend Is unfriend Word of the Year material? I dunno, perhaps.  I’ve heard the word used before, it’s a Facebook thing, but I don’t know …

Stimulus Package Reporting Sometimes Completely Wrong, But That’s OK

So Barrett “Shared in Google Reader” a post about how there is some errant reporting on – the government’s website for publicly displaying how the money for that 787 billion dollar stimulus package that was passed in February 2009.  The website shows jobs created or saved due to the stimulus in many Congressional districts …

Rep. Alan Grayson Continues Being A Badass

Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL) reserved an hour to speak about health care. Republicans didn’t care for the way he was talking and unsuccessfully tried to cut off his speech. Alan Grayson has become my favorite Congressman. Please clone yourself, have your clone move to Kansas, and successfully run for Congress. Thanks. Via The Huffington Post.

AARP and AMA Announce Support For House Health Care Bill

Apparently the AARP and the AMA have announced their support for the House of Representatives health care bill.  Despite covering more people and lowering the US deficit, there doesn’t seem to be all that many groups announcing support for Health Care reform.  Nice to see that starting to change a bit. Via

Glenn Beck, et. al. vs. Anita Dunn

I don’t know how many Democrats/Progressives/Liberals listen to Conservative talk radio as much as I do, but if you have, you’ve probably heard about this big dust up over a quote by Anita Dunn, talking about how she turns to Mao Zedong’s philosophies for guidance. For those unaware, Mao Zedong was the first Communist leader …

Interesting New Washington Post Poll

According to a new Washington Post poll, people have roughly the same opinion of Democrats and Republicans as they did in 2008 and 2006 – the years Democrats made big gains in Congress.  However, I’m still of the opinion that the Dems will lose some seats in the House and the Senate, though still maintaining …